Thursday, August 9, 2012


Yun hye,

 Hi, Yun hye! I'm your friend  So yeon. How are you these days? I'm about to melt nowadays. The sunlight is so strong, ins't it? I'm in Austin, Texas, you know. The weather is even hotter than Korea, but it's dry! I don't sweat well.
 I have to go ACC every day. I have class of: ESOL, history, composition, speech and so on. The professors are really kind here;more than our homeroom teacher! :-D In my homestay house, I usually talk my school life and go shopping with my host, Morgan. SHe is also very good and cool! She cooks Korean food very well. However, I wanna go somewhere with her more. Today, she had vacation so I have to go Stephanie's house. I'll go back to Korea on August 21st. I miss you a lot cuz you're always my best friends! So, wait little more, and see ya! Bye :-)

Your best friend,
So yeon

Thursday, August 2, 2012

To,Too,Two & Who, Whom, Whose

 Today we learned grammar about the differences among to, too and two, then we learn who, whom and whose. It was pretty easy, but confusing.

 At first, we learned about to, too, and two. In case of 'to', it is preposition firstly. It tells us the directions. For example, to is used like this: I went to the police office to find the owner of the purse I picked  up. In case of 'two', it indicates the number. Like one, two, three... It can be used like "I bought two brushes at the store. Lastly, 'too' emphasize something, or 'also'. It is used like " Too much instant food cause fat." or " I hang out with my friends at that shopping mall, too".
 The pronounciation of all three of them are same, so we need to be careful when we use them.

 Next, we learned about who, whom, and whose. Who comes at the position of the subject, and whom comes at that of object, and whose indicates the ownership. For instance, who is used like this: Who stole my pencilcase? or My friend who is really pretty was casted on the street. Whom is usually used like" To whom did you send that present?" Finally, Whose can be used like " Whose pet is this?" or I met the girl whose dog is big and white.

 Those are what we learned today, and I'm going to study again about them and I'll never confused about them.